Protection of Minors

We all have a responsibility to protect minors engaged in programs on our campus.

The university requires that units planning programs designed for minors not enrolled at the university report those activities to the University of Illinois Police Department. Watch the video below, review this Protection of Minors resource page, and explore the additional resources and FAQs below to learn more about your reporting requirements.

If this video does not load, please click here to watch on YouTube.

Reporting Events and Programs

All university-sponsored events involving minors must go through the Protection of Minors review process.

The submitter of any event will need the NetID of the department head or authorized reviewer. Once the department head or authorized reviewer has reviewed the event, they can submit the event directly to the Division of Public Safety compliance coordinator. For the events sponsored or hosted by a university department, the compliance coordinator will verify that the department has plans to comply with the policy. The Executive Director of Emergency Management or designee will give final approval.

Events that do not have Protection of Minors approval prior to the event taking place will be considered out of compliance.

If you have any difficulty entering an event or want to check on the status of an event, you may contact the compliance coordinator.

Reporting forms

For university units:

*A short version form is available from the Protection of Minors Compliance Specialist upon request. Only entities that are exempt from the policy may use the short form.

More information

Frequently Asked Questions

My department is hiring a minor to work as extra help for the summer. Do we have to complete a protection of minors event form?

Yes. A form needs to be completed for minors who are working as extra help for any time period, or even just volunteering, in a university department.

My event is mainly for incoming students who are attending an orientation event. Some of those attending will be under 18. Do I need to complete a protection of minors event form?

No. The Campus Administrative Manual lists certain situations that do not apply to the policy, and they are as follows:

  • Regularly scheduled classes or activities designed primarily for enrolled students or individuals accepted for enrollment;
  • Single commercial performances or events open to the general public (such as varsity athletic competitions, or public plays or concerts);
  • Programs placing enrolled students with external entities for the purpose of receiving academic credit and/or completing clinical or student teaching requirements;
  • Research activities that have been approved by the UIUC Institutional Review Board (IRB) with safety protocols in place;
  • University Laboratory School activities;
  • University Primary School activities;
  • The Child Development Lab activities; and
  • University of Illinois Extension program activities.
We are hosting an award reception for the employees in our unit and family members are welcome to attend as well. Employees will be bringing their children with them to the event. Do I need to complete a protection of minors event form?

No. The policy is specifically for events that are “designed” — in other words, primarily organized — to include minors. An employee awards reception does not fit that criteria, and the minors that do attend would just have incidental contact with other university employees.

We conduct tours of our facility specifically for grade schools and younger children on a daily basis. Do we have to complete a protection of minors event form?

Yes. This is a type of event that is specifically designed for minors. Because it happens on a daily basis, we ask that one form be completed to cover the school semester. If the event happens on a monthly or less frequent basis, an individual form should be completed for each event.

Do Registered Student Organization events designed to include minors need to complete a protection of minors event form?

Yes. The department or unit sponsoring the Registered Student Organization needs to complete a protection of minors event form. Please contact the Student Organization Development & Administration (SODA) office for more information.

Why do you need cellphone numbers for the two contacts that are listed?

The information on these forms is only used by the University of Illinois Police Department and the Office of the Chancellor. In the event of an emergency, it is imperative that we be able to reach someone who is on scene with the minors and at the location of the event.

What kind of liability waivers and forms do I need to host an event involving minors?

Please contact the University Office of Risk Management ( or 217-333-3113) for any questions regarding liability waivers and forms. The office has templates that can be used by your department that contain the required information.

Virtual Events

More virtual events than ever are occurring across campus. Our duty to protect minors participating in those events remains unchanged.

Organizers of university-sponsored events must still complete the Protection of Minors form regardless of whether the event is being held virtually or in person. We are asking event organizers to address how they will handle issues that are specific to virtual events (like sexting or “Zoom-bombing,” for example).

Some things you might want to consider:

  • How will you respond in the event that obscene or sexually explicit material is shown during your event, whether it is accidental or the result of an unwanted disruption?
  • What will you do if one of your participants makes explicit or insensitive remarks to a virtual room full of young people?
  • How will you offer resources or help if a young person expresses to you that they are having problems?

When you are filling out the Protection of Minors form, in areas where we ask you for location information, please indicate which platform you are using to hold your virtual event (Zoom or Skype, for example).

Otherwise, the process and requirements for protecting minors on our campus remains unchanged.